Hrvoslava Brkušić (1982)

No Borders
Latitudo – Art Projects
LAB 852 d.o.o.

Hrvoslava Brkušić mainly focused on the knowledge of this city in its various forms and layers, and its social fabric. The artist wondered if Italy had reckoned with its past, trying to create a dialogue with a 16mm film shot in places that recall the colonial past, the sounds and the faces of contemporary Rome. In a difficult city, disinclined to open itself up to the Other, Hrvoslava tried to place herself in a position of listening, not only hearing, of fixing the sound of those that crossed the sea, returning to the roots, to the heart of the Mediterranean.



Video in 16 mm converted in HD, colour (4’), slide projection, vinyl player

Audios 11’ 55’’ each

Video 1’ 54’’

Hroslava Brkusic is a Croatian Sound and Video Artist. She often works on sound site specific installations. During her residency in Rome she developed, through the collaboration of Migrants Community, a video sound work focused on the idea of migration. The two fundamental concepts she developed in her research are related to the Italian colonialism past and one the most controversial topics of nowadays: migration. She analysed our colonialist history hidden and mystified in various ways and its relationship with the many migrants that are currently crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Positioning herself as a listener, the artist went looking for the traces of the past of Rome and tried to open up a dialogue with the “Other” cultures that now inhabit the City.  In this artwork she captured sounds and images of the City to represent Rome, just as it is: a melting- pot of different cultures and identities.

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