The film, set in the old village of Slon, wanders between the fate of the hairdresser Floarea, with her unfulfilled dreams, and the fate of the elderly Tanța and Sandu and their nieces Mihaela and Maria. Fragments of their memories and aspirations are intertwined in a strange and subtle way. The songs, the hora, the canton on the mountain draw discreet and sincere bridges between the lives of the characters. The stories of the children are found in those of the elders and vice versa as in a magical game; and over all these stories maintain the atmosphere from Slon, suspended, at the foot of the mountains, between the difficult past and the uncertain future.
18′ 22”
Ana Țaran is a Romanian artist and film director who did a residence with META Cultural Foundation (Romania). Țaran’s works, which combine various media, including photography, video and film, investigate the relationships existing between places, memory and childhood.
In the film, set in the old village of Slon, the artist recounted the fate of the hairdresser Floarea, with her unfulfilled dreams, and the fate of the elderly Tanța and Sandu and their nieces Mihaela and Maria. Fragments of their memories and aspirations are intertwined in a strange and subtle way. These stories weave together in an unusual and subtle way, and the chants, the “hora,” the mountain village, show discreet and sincere connections between the lives of these people. The stories of the children echo, in those of the elderly and vice versa, like in a magic game, creating an atmosphere suspended between a difficult past and an uncertain future.